About playsoccermi

playsoccermi is a MSYSA initiative to promote the game of soccer and to connect families to clubs and programs in their area.


The Michigan State Youth Soccer Association, Inc. (MSYSA) is a nonprofit organization that represents over 92,000+ youth soccer players, 10,000+ coaches, and 4,000+ referees throughout Michigan. MSYSA is the largest State with respect to player registration within Region II (a 14 State Region that makes up one of four Regions within US Youth Soccer.) MSYSA consists of a vast number of leagues that register players (boys and girls) from ages 4 through 19 throughout the state. MSYSA has shown growth in players, coaches and referees; making its membership demographic unique among similar associations. The MSYSA is committed to providing a full range of benefits and services to the diverse population of soccer players, coaches, and referees in the State of Michigan. MSYSA is a member of the United States Youth Soccer Association and the United States Soccer Federation. For more information on MSYSA, visit www.michiganyouthsoccer.org.